It also pisses me off that the game can barely get 40 to 50 frames were as in mud-runner with the third party adega graphics mod can make the game look very similar to snow-runner but run three times better. For me, mud-runner and spin-tires are games were you have an objective to do and the game lets you complete that objective whatever way you want, be it using an big gas guzzling 8x8 or a 2 wheel drive truck from the 50's, or you could just jump in with a powerful vehicle and ♥♥♥ around and have fun were as in snow-runner the game forces you to play with its own designed way, not to mention you have to BUY all the vehicles basically limiting you to only play the way it wants you to AKA you cant just ♥♥♥ around as you could in mud-runner or spin-tires unless you already completed it(which takes a long Fing time). I feel that you really cant compare the two (spin-tires and mud-runner are essentially the same game so i'm combining them into one entity) they go for entirely different game-play styles and that kind-of why I absolutely despises snow-runner, it feels wrong to me, i guess it could be the new developer its under but it feels too complicated. Requires higher-performing hardware, largest overall game size.More expensive, especially considering the "Year Passes".Maps up to 4x larger than MudRunner/SpinTires.

24 maps (including DLCs), all based on real-world locations.63 vehicles (including DLCs), all licensed.

The successor to SpinTires, essentially SpinTires 2.0 (and has several improvements).Having only played MudRunner, I can't give my personal experiences for ST/SR, but here's a quick breakdown of some of the features of each game (excluding mods):